360 Digital Marketing is a highly reputed and committed logo design firm. We are truly dedicated to
protecting the online privacy of our valued clients with utmost care and caution. We offer our clients a
complete confidential surfing experience so that they can browse through our services and place their logo
design orders with complete peace of mind.
Although you can use many features of our exclusive website anonymously but still there are some premium
content or features that require some necessary information. Again, we assure you that your privacy is
completely safe with us and we never sell or disclose even a single bit of our client's information to any
third party.
There are numerous methods through which 360 Digital Marketing gather personal information of the clients
such as through order forms, subscription form etc. Rest assured all the information is absolutely protected
by our strict privacy policy. Not a single detail will be divulged to any third party.
The personal details of the clients include their name, email address, company name and phone number. All
these details are never shared with any individual or company and treated as confidential.
We, at 360 Digital Marketing, use these details for purposes like processing the order of the clients,
responding to their order related or any other queries, emailing them pre-release information / new offers /
discounts, etc.
In addition to using your personal details we use other necessary details as well which include:
Client's IP Address
Client's Brower cookies
Brower version
Operating System
Client's date and time of visiting the website.
These server side's details are used by us to enhance the performance of our web pages and online services.
use these details to enhance our various features. It helps our in-house web developers to check what page
higher bounce rate, thus need immediate attention. Rest assured, all these details are kept behind a highly
secured SSL encrypted server.
Although the client may disable the cookies from the browser, however it may restrict the client from
accessing to some features of our website.
Whilst, 360 Digital Marketing do not reveal client's personal details to any third party however you will be required to provide your credit card details to the payment portal – such as Paypal - for processing the order.
It is at the sole discretion of 360 Digital Marketing to alter any article of the privacy policy. However, a notification message will be emailed to the clients prior to the date of alteration.